

The legislation process of the most important work entrusted to legally delegated because of their direct impact on the interests of the citizens, and all walks of life in the state, the legislature pass a law damages the particular individual or specific individuals in the community, do they may go to court to claim compensation for damages afflicted as a result of the work of the legislature? In fact, the legislature when it puts the legal rules that lead to the organization of society carries on business sovereign, and therefore it is unacceptable accountability, and the elimination of the work of the legislature exposure and governance of the injured person compensation for his work is an assault on the legislative authority and violates the principle of separation of powers, which is one of the basic pillars of underlying the common law, so it went the French Council of State to set a general rule that the inadmissibility of accountability for state legislation. However, as a result of developments alopecia on the administrative responsibility of the state in general, and the existence worthy of care cases necessitate dilution of the rule of non-responsibility of the State legislation, the French Council of State began to crawl his control laws that inflict damage to a particular category of people, so based on the provisions of responsibility without error especially breach of the principle of equality before the public burdens. In light of the above study was divided into two sections, the first devoted their French State Council on the report of trends in state responsibility for legislation, and the second is dedicated to show the legal basis for the State's responsibility without fault for legislation.
