"الفحص الطبي قبل الزواج في الشريعة والقانون الإماراتي وفق القواعد الشرعية" by Hasan Mohamed Al Marzouqi


This paper deals with an important issue, namely: (a medical examination before marriage in Shar’ia and the UAE law), one of the issues that people always ask about. This research has been divided into: Introduction, which contains the concept of a medical examination before marriage, and three subjects; the first subject discusses the pros and cons of the medical examination before marriage, the second subject discusses the rule of medical examination before marriage and the third subject: discusses the terms and conditions of the medical examination before marriage. We mention in these three subjects the differences of scholars and their evidence, with a discussion of the evidence. The researcher found that it is permissible for positive medical examination before marriage, and this is offered by the state if it sees interest in it, or there was evidence to suggest the likelihood of infection for both betrothed, and the offspring in the future, especially in these times of the spread of various diseases.

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