"نظرية نحو النص لدى المفسرين مبادىء وتطبيقات"



Modern times witnessed a flourishing of textual theories and studies that aim to engage the Holy Quran by analyzing its internal and external structures. Contemporary critics argue that the textual theory is a modern phenomenon unknown in Arabic literary studies. However, a scrutinized insight into the literary and critical heritage of ancient Arab scholars reveals an awareness of the text theory regardless of differences in terminology. Arab interpreters of the Quran were aware of the text theory because they discuss the cohesion of the Quranic verses in addition to the organic unity of the Quranic verses themselves. They also explore points of similarities between Quranic verses in addition to contextual variations that distinguish Quranic text. Within this framework, this paper aims to explore the studies of the Quran interpreters to engage the Quranic textual from different perspectives as well as their attempts to construct an indigenous text theory.

Mostafa Abdul-Alim

College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)

UAE University

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