"Pre-service Teachers’ Perception of their Educational Preparation" by Ahmed Khalid, Samir J. Dukmak et al.
International Journal for Research in Education

Author(s) (Arabic) اسم الباحث باللغة العربية

أحمد خالد و سمير دقماق و فوزي دويكات



This study aimed at investigating pre-service teachers’ views of their educational preparation taking into consideration six study domains, namely: planning and preparation for instruction, classroom environment, professional responsibility, teaching skills, time allotted for learning different subjects, and time allotted for learning certain skills in the program. The differences among the six domains and pre-service teachers’ demographic information such as gender, pre-service teachers’ study majors, and the school level they were prepared to teach (Basic vs. Secondary) were investigated. Additionally, the study examined the extent to which the six study domains predicted the pre-service teachers’ teaching skills. Findings of the study revealed that pre-service teachers have positive views on their own pedagogical preparation. In responding to their perception pertinent to the six domains of this study, the majority of the pre-service teachers thought that they had been “highly prepared” or “well prepared”. However, there were no statistically significant differences in terms of the pre-service teachers’ gender and teaching majors. Other findings were discussed and the study gives some recommendations.

Key word: Pre-service Teachers ‘views, Educational Preparation, Perceptions



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