"The Impact of Governance in Sports Institutions on Olympic Achievement" by راشد إبراهيم المطوع النعيمي

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Policy (MPP)


Political Science

First Advisor

الدكتور عبدالفتاح ياغي

Second Advisor

الدكتور أحمد مصطفى منصور

Third Advisor

الدكتور سعود سالم الجنيبي


The success of sports institutions depends on the extent of achieving outstanding sports results not only at the local level but on all regional and international levels. Hence, efficiency of sports institutions is measured by the number of achievements, especially at the Olympics level as it is the highest rank in the hierarchy of sports achievements. The present study begins from a basic assumption that the weakness of the UAE’s Olympic achievements is due to the governance pattern and management and leadership styles in various sports institutions and especially in the sports federations and sports clubs. In this respect, this study aimed to examine the impact of strengthening governance in sports institutions on the achievements of the Olympic sports in the UAE from the standpoint of decision-makers, as well as to identify the extent of the contribution of the governance system in improving the outcomes of sports institutions. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology along with a field survey was used given the nature of the study. The study population consists of decision-makers of the senior leadership in sports institutions, totaling 596 people. The response rate to the study questionnaire was (69.8%), representing (358) of the total number of sports leadership. The study found several important results, namely: (1) 30% of the sports leadership is not satisfied with the Olympic results achieved by the UAE, (2) 36% of the sports leaders believed that there were no clear accountability criteria for officers and employees in sports institutions, (3) sports Leaders believes that the UAE has the potential to host the Summer Olympic Games, (4) 35% of the sports leaders believed that announcement of the strategic and operational plans for sports organizations is made in a transparent manner, (5) 66% of the sports leaders indicated the existence of clear gaps in the current legislation, in relation to sports, (6) 59% of the sports leaders think that the current sports leaders dispose of a considerable degree of scientific knowledge and expertise within their field, (7) 34% of the sports leaders see the non-participation sports institutions in the formulation of the country’s strategic decisions in relation to sports, (8) 32% of the sports leaders highlighted the absence of long-term plans for training and technical to prepare viii athletes competitions, and (9) 81% of the sports leaders pinpointed to the lack of financial support as a cause of not achieving remarkable sports results for the UAE. The study also made a number of recommendations, (1) the importance of selecting sports institutional leaders based on competence, and the need to possess clear and specific vision and objectives, and the need for capacity build-up to be able to resolve problems and make decisions, (2) the support and development of the legal framework through reviewing and updating all laws and regulations governing the sports work in the UAE with the participation of sports institutions, and enforcing existing laws and carrying out benchmarking studies and recommendations to issue new laws to ensure greater transparency, (3) the announcement of reports’ results and strategic action plans and decisions in relation to sports activities, and the announcement of the strategic and operational plans for sports organizations in a clear and transparent manner, (4) the promotion of the principle of participation through the development of a clear methodology governing the mechanism of the participation of sports institutions in the organization of sports activities in the country and the development of general policies and the formulation of strategic sports decisions, (5) the focus on developing long-term training and technical plans, (6) the importance of the availability of strong financial budgets and marketing strategies to enable sports institutions of self-development of their financial resources, (7) the focus on increasing research studies in relation to governance for sports institutions and increase awareness and interest in the study of governance in general, and the governance of sports institutions in particular. (8) the conduct of innovative studies to determine the extent of change that may occur in relation to the application of governance in UAE’s sports institutions, given the government’s general tendency towards strengthening the principles of corporate governance in all sectors of the state, including sports, and (9) the conduct of specialized studies on sports federations and sports associations and sports committees and sports clubs in relation to governance, separately. Keywords:- Governance, Strategy, Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Achievements.