"Educational Strategic Planning Skills for Principles and Vice-Principl" by خولة بنت عبدالله بن حسن البلوشي

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

الدكتور محمد الحوسني

Second Advisor

الدكتور علي الكعبي

Third Advisor

الدكتورة شيخة الطنيجي


This study aimed at identifying how to develop the principles and vice principles' skills in the strategic planning in AlBurimi through answering the following questions: what is the degree of practicing strategic planning skills for principles and vice-principles in AlBurimi governorate, does the degree vary according to gender, position, qualification and years of experience and how we can develop the strategic planning skills? In order to achieve the objectives of the study the researcher used descriptive analytical (survey questionnaire), and interviews using a focus group with a group of teachers. The study includes all basic education schools principles and vice- principles (56 members) for the academic year 2014/2015. As well as using the number of (6 teachers) of cycle one and two schools to participate in the interviews. The results of the study: respondents agree with the school vision and mission stages and the analysis of the external environment. Respondents agreed strongly on the stages of the internal environment analysis school and the skill of the follow-up and evaluation of the strategy. For teachers: application of strategic planning stages of basic education schools is clear in both: the analysis of the internal environment of the school and at the stage of evaluating and following up the strategy. But there are some steps that need to be clearer in the field. For instance; the analysis of the external environment and the stage of formulating the school vision and mission of the school. On the basis of the results of the study, the principles should take into consideration the clarity of the school's plan and its process. Furthermore; it is necessary to assign a group of special committee who responsible of studying the external factors surrounding the school and activating participatory role between school and the local community. To conclude with, clarify the process of follow-up and implementation of the action by the schools' principles and performance development department in AlBurimi Governorate.