"The effectiveness of professional development programs offered to Head" by رملة كرامة أحمد العامري

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

د. شيخة الطنيجي.

Second Advisor

د. علي ابراهيم

Third Advisor

د.علي النقبي


The study aimed to investigate and gather perspectives regarding the effectiveness of the training programs offered by ADEC to the HoFs. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods in order to answer the research questions. A survey inclusive of 38 questions was used, and it was divided into four sections pertaining to professional development. These sections were made up of: the importance of professional development programs; their goals; specifications; and evaluation. The result showed that participants agreed on four areas but using defferent levels of agreement that descended from first, the importance of professional development programs; second, the specifications of the program; third, the objectives of the program, and lastly the evaluation of the program . The findings uncovered that there was a significant difference in all areas, except for the evaluation of the current professional development program. This was due to the participants' dissatisfaction of the program. Recommendations were made in light of the findings and the following were proposed: 1. ADEC should conduct more studies in order to identify the actual needs of the HoFs in a more effective manner. 2. ADEC should provide additional support to high HoFs through motivational incentives by rewarding distinguished and performing HoFs. 3. ADEC should involve HoFs in decision making with particular reference to the quality of the professional development programs. 4. ADEC should establish and provide a communication channel for HoFs to communicate with departments within ADEC.