

The research is aimed to highlight the emerging phenomenon of cyberbullying in Jordan by analysing some of the main legal aspects of cyberbullying and relevant laws. It analysed whether the nature of the phenomenon constitutes a crime, and therefore, must be explicitly stated in the relevant laws, or it is only a bad social phenomenon that can be addressed within the school environment, and therefore no need for legislative provisions to prohibit it. The research showed the gravity of the psychological and physical effects of cyberbullying and its diversity forms and methods. Also, it underscored the paucity of the legal research on the phenomenon in Jordan, and the incompetence of the current Jordanian laws dealing with cyberbullying, including the Jordan’s Child Right Act draft. The United States lawmaker on the other hand, has directly or indirectly addressed this phenomenon, with some states explicitly criminalized cyberbullying, while others used traditional methods to address the problem. The research recommended several recommendations including: Adding cyberbullying to the existing Cybercrime Law No 27 of 2015, and to the Child Right Act draft.
