

Allah, the Most High, has appointed man in the earth to populate and exploit it and extract from its interior wealth and overwhelming bounties, as the Almighty has subjugated it to be at his service, easy to walk on and build on, and He made it a shelter, a place of work, a source of livelihood and food. Hence, countries seek to enact legislations that regulate the mechanism of land ownership, define its classifications, control its restrictions, and regulate its uses, with the aim of limiting disputes that may arise in this concern. The United Arab Emirates was not immune from this, as the federal legislator and local legislators in each Emirate enacted relevant legislations. In the Civil Transactions Code No. 5 of 1985, the federal legislator listed several classifications of land.

This article has discussed the issue of land classification in the UAE legislation and concluded that the UAE legislator in the Civil Transactions Code and local laws classified lands into owned lands, waqf lands, dead lands, and government lands. In this classification, the UAE legislator was influenced by the Ottoman Land Law and the laws of the countries influenced by it, especially the Jordanian Civil Law, and therefore the Ottoman legacy is visible in these classifications.

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