

This study focused on defining the training penalty on citizenship values as an alternative punishment to penalties depriving freedom of short duration, which was approved by the French legislator as an innovative punitive model with clear specificity, aiming at restricting the offender's freedom rather than depriving it, in order to spare the convict sentenced to short freedom deprivation penalties mixing in prison with a convicted person on them for long periods, which leads to dire ill effects. The implementation of this punishment does not cost the state much compared to traditional penalties, and it reduces prison overcrowding. Through the extrapolation of the punitive texts in the French legislation, it becomes clear that the punishment for training on the values of citizenship takes several forms: it is an original punishment in misdemeanor crimes, and it may take the form of a complementary punishment in crimes of contravention and some misdemeanors, or as a special measure associated with the suspension of execution with the situation under test, or as a measure. An alternative to judicial follow-up. These penalties have been excluded from the penalties for felonies. This penalty can be imposed on adults and juveniles over the age of thirteen. The legislator determined the duration of this punishment, the number of daily training hours, and the cost of its implementation, which is borne by the convict. Upon pronouncing it, the legislator gave the court the power to determine the nature of this punishment, its content and how to implement it. Every breach by the convicted person renders him vulnerable to imprisonment and fine.

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