"حُقُوقُ الإنسانِ في عَصْرِ الذَّكاءِ الاصطِناعِيِّ "مُعطياتٌ ورُؤًى وحُلولٌ"" by Dr. Heidi issa Hassan


Technology has cast its shadow on us in most aspects of our lives and nothing has escaped its grip even human intelligence. Human intelligence now has a major rival known as "artificial intelligence" (AI). The main question is can machines think like humans?!

Since AI involves, in part, the dispensation with humans, then it is a matter that affects human rights, regardless of the manifestations, consequences or even scope of this dispensation.

Accordingly, this study has several problems to tackle: 1) the absence of adequate binding national and international provisions governing AI, 2) AI systems involve changing the way businesses and governments around the world operate; thus, there is a potential for massive interference in human rights, 3) AI technologies present a double-edged sword: although it helps individuals, it may cause them more harm because they may violate human rights, and 4) lack of knowledge of many aspects of AI in the context of human rights.

Hence, the study aims to focus on the consequences of AI penetration into our lives in light of the lack of societal awareness of these consequences by specialists and non-specialists to protect human rights.

Studying AI in the framework of human rights makes it inevitable to touch on some issues such as the definition of AI, its beneficial and harmful consequences, the impact of AI from a human rights perspective, the possibility of granting machines rights similar to those granted to human beings, legal tools that would make AI consistent with human rights, ways to protect human rights in light of AI systems, and assessment of the role of AI systems.

This study will also shed light on what is meant by the principles and ethics of AI, their role in protecting human rights, the practical applications of this role, guarantees that must be ensured for the use of AI systems and whether these guarantees are for governments only or whether they include the private sector as well, and finally the results of placing the issue of research investment in the future of AI systems in the context of a possible intervention in human rights.

Keywords: AI, risks, protection, human rights, ethics, guarantees, research investment, practical applications.
