"مسئولية المزوّد عن إخلاله بالتزام ضمان سلامة الأغذية (الإشكالات والحلول المقترحة) "دراسة نقدية في القانون الإماراتي" by Ali Al-Mehdawi


This Article is complementary to our previous article titled (The Obligation to Guaranty the Safety of Food & its Quality “Critical Study of Consumer Protection in Emiraty Law “ ). The author demonstrated in this paper the genuine obligations of the provider to guaranty the safety of food followed by the related obligations .We also considered the problematic of the provider’s responsibility to guaranty the safety in the Federal Law number 24 of 2006 which is amended by the Federal Law number 7 of 2011, and the decision of the Council of Ministers number 12 regarding the executive decree of law 24 of 2006, dated March 29th ,2007 and the decision of the Council of Ministers number 1, Dated January 1st ,2014 regarding the rules and conditions of reconciliation of contraventions contrary to Federal Law number 24 of 2006 and the Council of Ministers Decree number 332 of 2009 regarding the set up of specialized sections in Federal Courts of First instance to deal with penal cases related to consumer protection dated April 27th, 2009 and the related Federal Laws, which are Civil Procedure Law and the Judicial Decisions of the Federal Supreme Court, the article divided into two parts. The author used his personal understanding of the view to demonstrate the scope of consumer protection in the provisions dealing with the consumer protection, using the analytical approach of the provisions and comparing them to each other to achieve a consensual state. By dissipating its contradictions and any vagueness it may have contained. And giving vacuum for achieving the goal of consumer protection. The second part dealt with thirteen problematic issues. The author presented seven recommendations, he considers are able to promote the Law number24 of 2006 dealing with consumer protection, especially in the next context of the provider’s obligation to guaranty the safety of food and its quality. Key words: specifications and standards, legal standards, Islamic politics.

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