

The aim of this study is to point out one of the preliminary procedures the electoral process in the Kingdom of Bahrain goes through as a preparatory process for electing the members of the House of Representatives of Bahrain. This is the process of registration in the voters’ list. This has taken place after the process of democratic and political reform has firmly been established in the form of public participation. We are at the beginning of the third legislative term and the manner that the Bahraini Judiciary controls the process of registration shows to us the positive and negative aspects that have emerged out of this process. Therefore, this study has pointed out the general provisions for inclusion in the voters’ lists to elect the members of the House of Representatives of Bahrain in terms of the definition of registration and its importance. This study also shows how to prepare, review, display and object to the voters’ lists. It also pinpoints to how to change and vary the registration as well as to how the control of the Bahraini judiciary over these procedures and its authority towards such procedures is conducted. Finally, we have concluded with some recommendations to be considered by the Bahraini legislators if they wish to amend the decree by law no. (14) of 2002 concerning practicing the political rights
