

In 1953 the scientists Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the DNA structure. Ever since a terrific molecular biologic revolution is devastating the world taking us from one scientific discovery to another. These discoveries resulted in advanced knowledge in the fields of medicine and biology which increased the hope in discovering new medications for some chronic and incurable diseases - such as some dangerous hereditary diseases and the diabetes and the tremble disease and the early senility disease - a case which brings good to all humanity. But, on the other hand, if the scientific advancement in this field is not properly utilized, it could become a curse on humanity and a cause of its disappearance. In view of this, a great demand has increased recently to make a fine legal frame for such activities and applications resulting from science advancement in the areas of medicine and biology. This regulations constituted the core of a new branch in law called Biological Ethics Law or Medicine and Biology ethics.

In addition to that, the entire international community showed concern about the outcomes of this advancement and took steps towards putting international legal frame thereto.

The Islamic World stand was not neutral towards this biological revolution in the fields of medicine and biology, but even cared about the emanating outcomes. Islamic jurisprudential leagues organized symposiums and conferences concerning this issue and took appropriate decisions and recommendations, putting a precise legal framework for scientific advancement applications in the fields of medicine and biology. This research studies only the legal principals governing biological ethics in the French law and international agreements.
