

As per the Provisions of the Labor Law and the Legislations specifying the Liability for the Harmful Act & Blood Money (Diyah).

Comments on the judgment passed by Sharjah Civil Court of First Instance on 31.5.1995 in the lawsuit No: 215 for the year 1993, the judgment passed by Sharjah Federal Court of Appeal on 15.11.1995 in the appeals No: 16, 168 and 178 for the year 1995 and the judgment of the federal Supreme Court on 8.10.1996 in the Objection No: 74 for the year 18- cassation- Civil.

Our comments on the judgment s we referred to: The judgment by the Court of First Instance, the Judgment by the Court of Appeal and the judgment by the Federal Supreme Court may be confined in some points: first whether the reason of the damage is attributed to the defendant or the injured party. Secondly: whether it is permissible to join between the due compensation as per the law and the blood money (diyah). Thirdly whether it is permissible to join between the blood money (diyah) and the moral damages. Forthly the extent of the objection by the Federal Supreme Court to the form of the plea raised by the heirs of the First Respondent.
