"English Teachers' Perceptions Toward differentiated Assessment in Cycl" by Reem Moh'd Kamil Salhyyieh

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (Curriculum and Instruction)


Curriculum and Methods of Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Sadiq Ismail

Second Advisor

Dr.Ibdurrahman Ghaleb Almekhlafi

Third Advisor

Dr. Mohamad Shaban


This thesis was concerned with studying the perception of English teachers’ toward differentiated assessments in Cycle two at Al Ain public schools. The main purpose of this thesis was to identify the perception of English teachers toward differentiated assessments, recognize the different types of assessments teachers are using in their classrooms and understand how these assessments may inform teaching and learning. A questionnaire had been distributed to Cycle two schools. Also semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers to obtain detailed data. The study investigated the views of teachers about differentiated assessments along with the assessment strategies they implement in their classrooms. In addition, it aimed to study the impact of differentiating assessment on teaching and learning. The study showed that many teachers perceived differentiated assessments as effective tools that could be effectively applied in classrooms. Moreover, they could be used to better manage classrooms, meet students' needs and differentiate students’ learning. Examining the perception of teachers helped us understand the knowledge teachers had and what they might apply in their classrooms. That allowed us to know if the learning cycle was continuous or conventional in those classrooms. The collected data from the questionnaire beside the obtained results from the interviews described how teachers perceived differentiated assessments in classrooms. This in return clarified the effectiveness of these assessments.