"Recycling ceramic waste powder and its usage as an alternative ingredi" by Dima Mamoun Kanaan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Prof. Amr Salah El-Dieb

Second Advisor

Dr. Aman Mwafy

Third Advisor

Konstantin Sobolev


Green environment is a challenging concern to accomplish in today’s world. This could be accomplished through an effective and beneficial recycling system through reusing solid waste materials. The study and exploration of alternative ingredients for concrete-making industry started more than five decades ago. Concrete that contains solid waste is referred to as “Green” concrete. Ceramic tiles are widely used in most structures; its production creates waste powder. Using ceramic waste powder (CWP) as an ingredient to partially replace cement in concrete will have a positive and progressive environmental impact in addition will help reserve natural resources. In this study, CWP material will be examined as a supplementary cementing material (SCM) in concrete mixtures. The investigation comprised of mainly two experimental phases. The first phase focused on examining the main properties and characteristics of the CWP. This involved grading, specific surface area and chemical composition. The CWP particles shape and surface texture were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The chemical composition of CWP material was accomplished using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique. Furthermore, morphology and mineralogical configuration of ceramic waste material were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. In the second phase, CWP was used as SCM with altered dosages replacing cement material in mixtures. At that phase, the effect of CWP as SCM on the properties of fresh concrete was investigated by means of slump, slump loss, setting time and plastic shrinkage tests. The properties of hardened concrete were assessed through drying shrinkage, compressive strength development and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests. On the other hand, durability characteristics were explored by water sorption, absorption, rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) and electrical resistivity tests. Conclusions of the investigation shed light on how CWP material might be utilized effectively as cement replacement in concrete mixtures as well as the optimum dosage to be used which will result in an effective way for utilizing solid wastes and protecting the environment. Recommendations for future investigations and studies are also included.