"Requirements of Change Management Necessary for Secondary School Leade" by Fatima Salem Musabbeh Al Ka'abi

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Mohammad Abdel Dayem

Second Advisor

Dr. Abdulrahman Salman Alumimi

Third Advisor

Dr. Ali Saeed Al Kaabi


This study examines the requirements of change management necessary for secondary school principals in the emirate of Abu Dhabi in light of new school model through conducting change management requirements utilizing a questionnaire on secondary school teachers in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain Educational Zones during 2011-2012. The study employs a qualitative research paradigm, where there are 47items and one an open-ended question are combined in a questionnaire used to collect data. The sample included 1080 teachers from both sexes out of 72 schools in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain presenting cycle 3. The study found that the requirements of change management necessary for school leaders are high in the six clusters, building and communicating a school vision, planning for change, leading the process of teaching and learning, leading human and physical resources and finally the community. The study also found that males were more positive towards change in education than females. Also, years of experiences impacted respondents’ answers regarding change processes and requirements. Besides, among the suggestions regarding the characteristics necessary for change management leaders, teachers suggested high qualification, strong communication, clarity, respect, shared planning and decision making as the most important features a school leader should possess. ADEC is also recommended to serve training courses for school principals to make them better understand New School Model requirements and initiate a new policy in assigning secondary school principals. In general, the research provides recommendations regarding the requirements necessary for school leaders of secondary school in leading change in light of New School Model.