

derived from the book "Al-Ghayathi", and this topic is "fortifying the home front".

The research aims to extrapolate the jurisprudence of Imam al-Juwayni in fortifying the home front through his book, and the consolidation of the term fortification of the home front of the state by studying its concept and legitimacy from the legal evidence, and its comprehensive aspects in Juwayni’s jurisprudence with regard to the Corona pandemic; Such as economic and health security, compared to the decisions of the State of Kuwait in the face of the Corona pandemic and its contemporary applications, coupled with a statement of the general features of Imam Al-Juwayni’s thought in protecting the home front and the rules learned from his jurisprudence on the issue.

Through this study, I reached several conclusions, including: Al-Juwayni dealt with security in its broad sense, including health and economic security to fortify the home front; Therefore, it required the state’s observation and permission, especially in collective worship, and decided that the ruling of the ruler raises the dispute in controversial issues, and was applied in practice in stopping gatherings and groups, Eid prayers and the issue of obligating vaccination and establishing penalties for violators within the measures of the State of Kuwait in the Corona pandemic.

Then Al-Juwayni dealt with economic security in protecting the home front and separated it according to the state of the state in stability and emergency conditions and arranged for all special measures, including hiring on the rich, and borrowing from them, whether on generalization from them or allocation based on legal evidence, and the applications of this appeared in the procedures of the State of Kuwait.
