"Terminating the Public Employee's Service As Per The Legislations of t" by عبير عوض محمد عبيد

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Jurisprudence (MSJ)


Public Law

First Advisor

د. إبراهيم كامل الشوابكة

Second Advisor

د. علاء محي الدين مصطفى

Third Advisor

د. عبد الوهاب عبدول


This study deals with the issue of terminating the Public Employee's Service as per the Legislation of the United Arab Emirates in the light of the legal updating and amendments, which took place in regards of federal employment. This carried out through talking about the problem, which was represented in the extent to which the federal employment legislator succeeded in maintaining the rights of the public employee when enhancing the reasons of service termination.

The study, however, tries to respond to this problematic by dividing the study into two chapters. The first chapter is entitled "Termination of the Employee's Service by the force of law. It includes the cause of death, reaching the age of retirement, dismissal by judicial award, and finally withdrawing or dropping the

Citizenship and its resulting legal effects.

The second chapter is entitled "The Termination of the Public Employee by virtue of an administrative order or decision. It includes the reason of retirement and its explicit and implicit kinds- work abstinence, dismissal from service by a decision related to administrative violations , lack of fitness ,employment incompetence,

Restructuring, employees` replacement or substitution, non-renewal of contract or

Terminating it before its due expiry, and finally the issue of a federal decree and

Dismissal from office from the cabinet and the resulting legal effects of the same.

The study reaches the conclusion that the employment federal legislator succeeded to some extent in acquainting the employee with some guarantees, which secure his position and status and contribute in providing professional stability.

Still there are some gaps, which necessitate the interference of the legislator to address and fill them

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