"Impact of Guided Inquiry on Tenth Graders' Understanding of Chemical B" by Badreya Esmaeil Abdul Raheem Al Zarooni

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (Curriculum and Instruction)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Hasan H. Tairab

Second Advisor

Dr. Ali Khlafan Al Naqbi

Third Advisor

Dr. Qasim Alshannag


Students’ understanding of scientific conceptions have been of considerable interest to science education researcher and science teacher in recent years. Accordingly,many scholarly studies have been conducted on the students' understandings and misunderstanding, particularly. Those concerned with chemistry. For the present study, the term misconception is used to encompass both alternative responses that arise from formal intervention: such as classroom study as well as those resulted from the student own interaction with, and observation of their surrounding environment

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the understanding of the Grade- students about the concepts and misconception regarding the chemical bonding and types of bonds (convalescent. ionic and metallic). This study focuses on (i) understanding the level of the concepts of chemical bonds and bonding, (ii) gaining some insights Into the cause of the misconception, and (iii) investigating the impact of incorporating“Guided-inquiry” as an alternative teaching approach in chemistry in secondary Schools, and improving the concept of the student about the chemical bonds and Bonding. One hundred forty student (72 females and 68 males) who participated in This study have been drawn randomly from Tenth Grade classes in two public high School in the Dubai Educational Zone. The data collection is achieved through Employing mixed research method, and the data analysis is made possible with SPSS.

The findings revealed that a number of alternative conception of chemical bonds that Were held by Tenth Grade students. The finding also pointed to the effectiveness of Using guided inquiry as an alternative approach to the teaching of chemistry at Tenth Grade, particularly with male students. The study argues that the identification of the Common misconception will greatly help the chemistry teachers to developing Reliable instrumental approaches that could minimize the existing misconceptions About the chemical bonds and bonding.The findings necessitate recommendations for policy makers and science teachers in Order to improve the understanding of these important concepts. It is obvious that more Research studies are needed to document student understanding of such concept. Furthermore, more application of guided inquiry is indeed important to engage student in learning of chemical concept such as the concept investigated in this Study. Policy maker and curriculum developer should also pay attention to Development of illustrative examples in the curriculum to aid understanding.