Date of Award

Summer 5-2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Imad Barhumi

Second Advisor

Dr. Mohammed Abdel-Hafez

Third Advisor

Dr. Khaled Shuaib


In this thesis, we propose several resource allocation strategies for relay networks in the context of joint power and bandwidth allocation and relay selection, and joint power allocation and subchannel assignment for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. Sharing the two best ordered relays with equal power between the two users over Rayleigh flat fading channels is proposed to establish full diversity order for both users. Closed form expressions for the outage probability, and bit error probability (BEP) performance measures for both amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward (DF) cooperative communication schemes are developed for different scenarios. To utilize the full potentials of relay-assisted transmission in multi user systems, we propose a mixed strategy of AF relaying and direct transmission, where the user transmits part of the data using the relay, and the other part is transmitted using the direct link. The resource allocation problem is formulated to maximize the sum rate. A recursive algorithm alternating between power allocation and bandwidth allocation steps is proposed to solve the formulated resource allocation problem. Due to the conflict between limited wireless resources and the fast growing wireless demands, Stackelberg game is proposed to allocate the relay resources (power and bandwidth) between competing users, aiming to maximize the relay benefits from selling its resources. We prove the uniqueness of Stackelberg Nash Equilibrium (SNE) for the proposed game. We develop a distributed algorithm to reach SNE, and investigate the conditions for the stability of the proposed algorithm. We propose low complexity algorithms for AF-OFDMA and DF-OFDMA systems to assign the subcarriers to the users based on high SNR approximation aiming to maximize the weighted sum rate. Auction framework is proposed to devise competition based solutions for the resource allocation of AF-OFDMA aiming tomaximize either vi the sum rate or the fairness index. Two auction algorithms are proposed; sequential and one-shot auctions. In sequential auction, the users evaluate the subcarrier based on the rate marginal contribution. In the one-shot auction, the users evaluate the subcarriers based on an estimate of the Shapley value and bids on all subcarriers at once.


All praise and thanks be to Allah, for blessing me with the strength and enthusiasm to seek knowledge and to complete this work. Foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my advisor Dr. Imad Barhumi, for his academic guidance and enthusiastic encouragement throughout this PhD. His constant encouragement was vital in making this dissertation a reality. He spent endless hours proofreading my research papers and giving me excellent suggestions, which always resulted in improved versions of the documents. He also supportedme during the difficult times in my research. He believed in me when I doubted myself, and always preserved his confidence in my ability to complete my PhD. Doing a PhD is always challenging, and I will not forget how Dr. Imad assisted me. I cannot thank him enough for all the encouragement and advice, helping to make it an enjoyable experience. I owemy deepest gratitude to theUnitedArab EmiratesUniversity (UAEU) for its generosity in supporting me financially during my PhD study. I would like to thank Dr. Mohammad Hayajneh, Dr. Qurban Ali, and Prof. Noafal Al-Dahir for serving as my PhD Advisory Committee. I would like to thank Prof. K.J. Ray Liu, Dr. Mohammed Abdel-Hafez, Dr. Khaled Shuaib for serving as my PhD Examining Committee. Iwould like to thank all the faculty and staff in the Electrical Engineering Department in UAEU for their continuous encouragement. I would like to acknowledge the help of all the people who have contributed to my education, especially,my professors in Jordan University and colleagues in Amman Al-Ahliyyah University. I would like to thank friends at UAEU; Salam, Assha, Hanifa, Razan, Shumma, Taghreed, Sawsan, Nedaa, Reem, Maysara, Dr. Maysa, Hanan, Hana, and Swzen. Thank you for the true positive experience we had during my PhD research.

I would like to thank my friends Rana, Ymna, Lubna, Lena, Lamiss, Abir, Huda, Maram, Ahlam, and Angham. Your friendship and prayers gave me strength to overcome difficulties throughout this endeavor. All thanks to Alah for blessing me with good friends. My heartiest thanks go to my parents, brothers and their families, thank you for everything, for your support, love, and care.
