"The Saudi Households’ Requirements of Dwelling Unit’s Components" by Ahmed Abdullah Alghamdi and Ali Salem Bahammam

Date of Acceptance

October 2022

Date of Submission

January 2022



Due to the large number of dwelling’s components and their big sizes, the size of a single-family dwelling in Saudi Arabia is big, which leads it to high costs. Such phenomenon has been shaped by the society during the period of economic ease, when easy access to free grants of residential plot and affordable Real Estate Development Fund loans were available, which later has been continued through the regulations of land division and building.

The study aims to determine the real needs (of the dwelling’s components, their number, and their areas), of the Saudi households who are wishing to own a dwelling in the city of Riyadh, within the limits of their financial ability. An easy-to-use mobile interactive tool was used for data collection, enabling participants to define their preferences for dwellings’ components, and easily modify them, to reach their exact needs within their financial ability.

The finding showed that the average area of residential plot needed to build a prototype dwelling that achieve the participants’ needs is (55%) of the required plot area required for small single-family dwelling in the city of Riyadh, and that the average built-up area needed to provide all dwelling’s components is (59%) of the built-up area of small single-family dwelling at the housing market, while the average cost of the prototype dwelling that meets the household’s needs is equal (5 years) of the household income from salaries, while the average cost of a small single-family dwelling in the housing market is equal (10 years) of the household income.
