"Identifying the Suitable Areas for Establishment of Agricultural Machinery Repair Center" by Maedeh Shoaei, Razieh Pourdarbani et al.

Date of Acceptance

January 2020

Date of Submission

January 2020


With the increase in mechanization, the need for the agricultural machinery repair centers is increasing. However, there are only a limited number of tractor repair centers in Rudsar. The existence of repair centers will increase the life of the equipment; on the other hand, the presence of machinery repairmen will lead to quick determination of the precision location of the failure and timely repair. The purpose of this study was to determine suitable locations for the establishment of machinery repair and helping to meet the needs of farmers in the Rudsar district. Therefore, spatial information was collected from various relevant organizations, including the Mapping Organization of the country, the GIS Department of the Ministry of Interior, the Agriculture Organization. Descriptive information was also provided from the census report, statistics, documents, field studies, etc., and recorded and stored in the relevant tables. To prepare the database, first, maps and digitalized data were entered into the GIS software. The collected descriptive data was then digitally stored and connected to spatial data. After entering the information into the computer and storing in different layers in the GIS database, information was extracted as a map. According to the results of the final map, a part of Rudsar, small part of Kelachay and Chaboksar and part of the Chini Jan, are suitable for the establishment of repair shops.
