

The objective of this study is to assess the quality of the dewatered groundwater and identify its suitability for irrigation purposes in an urban study area by analyzing its chemical composition. The water quality for irrigation has been assessed by the determination of the residual sodium bicarbonate (RSBC), potential salinity (P.S), sodium adsorption ration, (SAR), Mg ratio (MgR), sodium percentage (%Na+), Kelly’s ratio (KR), permeability index (P.I), electrical conductivity, EC, total dissolved solids TDS, total hardness (TH), and pH. The WATEQ4F computer program has been used to compute the saturation indices of some minerals with respect to water composition. Gibb’s diagram is used to evaluate the functional sources of dissolved constituents. The chemical analyses reveal that the order abundance of the cation is as follows Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+, and for anion is Cl-> SO42- > HCO3-. The chemical compounds in water, respectively, are Na2SO4, CaSO4 and NaCl. The groundwater exhibited oversaturation with respect to calcite and dolomite, and undersaturation with respect to gypsum, anhydrite, halite, brucite and magnesite. The geochemical processes of dissolution and precipitation are influenced the chemistry of the study area. The dewatered groundwater is consider good and safe for irrigation.
