

The city is a complex entity and needs the integration of several urban systems. Urban systems, including the development plans and the strict building codes, will lead to the loss of part of the creativity and vitality of urban dwellers. When these laws and plans lose control of the city, the needs of the occupants will be clearly visible, sometimes leading to uncontrolled urban chaos. However, this disorder to count as the driving force of life that drove occupants like Baghdad residents to express their needs. The city life and its complexity will appear through several criteria governing their regularity and dispersion. Living cities not only meet the standards of international organizations, concerned with the welfare of living. However, there are other standards contribute to the city's life, vary according to local cultures and identities, the criteria for evaluating standards of living cities (proposed by international institutions), especially cities that suffer from specific urban conditions and different characteristics such as the city of Baghdad, due to the appearance of urban patterns seem chaotic and uncontrolled. The search led to the discovery of additional evaluation criteria for classification and application of living cities, on urban spaces where commercial use interferes with residential use in the city (Baghdad), and transforming urban chaotic patterns to be creative and livable. The research benefited from the theory of chaos and the theory of creative chaos to create a hidden system that gives the vitality and dynamism of cities and peoples that have a specificity in their life and which not covered by the criteria of evaluating standards of livable city.
