المسؤولیة المدنیة لجھة توثیق التوقیع الإلكتروني في القانون الاماراتي

فاطمة سعید سالم الكعبي


This study deals with the issue of civil liability for electronic signature authentication under the Electronic Transactions and Trust Services Law No. (46) for the year 2021. The thesis was divided into two chapters: the first chapter dealt with the contractual responsibility for the electronic signature authentication, and the first chapter included two sections, the first section dealt with the pillars of the contractual responsibility for the electronic signature authentication, and the second topic dealt with the effects of the contractual responsibility for the authentication of the electronic signature, while the second chapter dealt with the responsibility For the harmful act of authenticating the electronic signature. It also discussed in the first section the pillars of liability for a harmful act, while the second topic dealt with the effects of liability for a harmful act, including the parties to the case, establishing liability, and compensation, and one of the most important findings of the study is that the mentioned law has made a qualitative leap with regard to electronic transactions and trust services, Including the authentication of the electronic signature, which enhances the civil responsibility of the authenticator.