Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Adeeb Jarrah

Second Advisor

Dr. Hassan Tairab

Third Advisor

Dr. Qasim M. Alshannag


This thesis is concerned with the computer base tests verses the traditional paper pencil in particular the perception of teachers toward the computer based test.

The main objective of this thesis is to examine the primary mathematics teachers’ perception toward the weekly computerized tests. And how does their gender of years of experience affect their perception toward this unique type of assessment. A mixed method of quantitative and qualitative is used to find out the results. A questionnaire and an interview are the instruments used in the research. The study found out that primary teachers are positive toward the weekly computerized tests; they believe that it a better diagnostic tool than the paper pencil assessment in term of saving time, papers and in getting the needed feedback on spot. Teachers’ years of experience and gender do not affect the way teachers think about the computerized tests. The way teachers think, feel, perceived and believe has an influence on the way they implement the weekly computerized test which eventually affects students’ performance and progress.