Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Negmeldin Alsheikh

Second Advisor

Dr. Sadiq Abdulwahed Ismail

Third Advisor

Dr. Mohammad Sadeg Shahan


This study aimed at exploring the essence of professional development experience from the perspective of English teachers in private schools in the UAE. To achieve the goal of the study an explanatory mixed method design was used. In the first phase of the study, English teachers (n=200) responded to Professional Development Questionnaire of English Teachers (PDQET). The second phase of the study featured a qualitative method by interviewing a few participants (n=10) from the initial pool sample in the first phase of the study. The study also looked at the English teachers’ ranking of professional development models in terms of their actual availability, preference and motivation. The results gleaned from qualitative data helped in explaining the quantitative data. In general the participants perceived professional development experience positively as the Efficacy Category (M= 3.78) ranked first among all professional development categories. The results gleaned from the survey gleaned that teachers seek out PD opportunities to enhance their instructional abilities (37.5%), equip themselves with the latest in the field (30%), and enhance their students’ learning (28%). However, a small percentage of teachers (3%) disclosed that they seek professional development to impress their principals (1.5%). This reflects that English teachers in private schools are intrinsically motivated to pursue professional development. Moreover, the study revealed most English teachers (42%) employed in private schools preferred workshops to other professional development models. The study highlighted key issues pertinent to English teachers’ professional development and it gives some recommendation for professional development implementation practices and some venues for future research.