

In the preface, the author tackled a number of research matters closely related to his subject, which he later put under four parts:

In part I, he defined the duties of job function performance and facing any deficiencies thereto criminally since federal penal law forbade employees from leaving their work locations or deliberately reject to handle any of its functions considering it as an independent deliberate crime. Its scope covers all public employees as more particularly defined under article five of Penal Law, but does not cover those assigned public service for they are not specifically mentioned.

In part II, the author tackled the obligation to respect the public job's impartiality facing any deficiencies thereto criminally. He tackled the subject from two aspects, the first was on the crime of bribe, its definition, bases and penalty, while the second covered t11e supplemental award with definition and penalty.

In part III, he spoke about the ban of job secrets disclosure and the extent of its criminal nature, concentrating on the prohibition (sinful act) of disclosing defense secrets (must be a secret and should be related to defense). Disclosure of secrets by those entrusted with them as part of their job or profession is considered a crime. The same applies to disclosure of confidential correspondence by public employees.

In part IV, the necessity for respectful treatment to the public is emphasized explaining its criminal effects if not adhered to due to the fact that public jobs are meant to be solely for the service of the public. This imposes an obligation over the public employee for a decent and respectful treatment to the public. Any deviation from this. Although it results into a disciplinary action, it is also faced with a penal action within the Federal Penal Law

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