Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr.Shekh Abdullah Al Thaneji

Second Advisor

Dr. Ali Saed Ibrahim

Third Advisor

Ali Khalfan Al Naqbi


This study aimed at identifying the degree of educational partnership between students’ parents and Al-Ain Eastern Cycle 2 & 3 schools. Furthermore, the study investigated the most significant recommendation to promote that partnership. Accordingly, the researcher used the quantitative and qualitative research approach to collect the required data. A survey and an interview were designed to collect the quantitative and qualitative data respectively.

The study population comprised students’ parents in four schools in Al Ain eastern outskirts. All of those schools are affiliated with Al-Ain Education Office. The study sample consisted of 2000 parents with 500 parents for each school to investigate the quantitative research question whereas a sample from parents and administrators was chosen to answer the qualitative research question.

The study analysis included, the SPSS for statistical analysis which provided the answer to the quantitative research question while thematic analysis offered answers to the qualitative question. The study was conducted during the first trimester of 2015/2016.

The study generated a number of findings for both of the two research questions. For the quantitative questions, the results showed that the schools support for parents’ involvement in the learning process in four areas out of five included in the survey. These areas include promoting parents’ responsibilities at home, enhancing students learning at home, voluntary work, and taking part in decision – making. However, active communication area rated better in terms of the support provided by schools to parents as it ranged from limited to medium. The results indicate a poor partnership between schools and parents. Regarding the qualitative question, the study revealed that there were shared ideas and recommendations between the schools and parents regarding enhancing mutual partnership. Most ideas call for the necessity to promote and vary partnership means and strategies.